On this page you'll be able to read a little about the various sections of the site. Top-left of every page you'll find a burger menu icon [ ] which you can click to reveal the navigation menu.
Discover how we came into being & who our resident team members are. Where applicable, links to professional profile(s) of each our team members are provided for additional information or connection.
Work currently being shown, or awaiting performance dates. Full details of tickets, venues and dates will be provided where applicable.
Here you will be able to follow the progress of our work from a possible or planned future project, through development and into production.
An archive of previous work. Links to pertinent reviews and perhaps some reactions from our own team about the project will be offered.
Verbose details of current callouts will be listed in this section. Follow our Twitter and Facebook accounts to gain early notification of new ones. The box below will give you a quick heads-up if we have anything available.
We currently have 0 live casting calls.
Intended as a repository of 'Facebook Notes' written before the creation of this website, this section will be bolstered with various news, views and reviews plus site announcements.
This section will allow you to contact the team via our dedicated email form as an alternative to messaging through our Facebook page or Twitter account. Feel free to get in touch!
Our own published stageplay scripts and any other 'show themed' gems we can think of will end up here, such as electronic show programmes that you will be able to download for free.