- Written by David Chriscole
- Directed by Sarah Doyle
- Produced by Stockport Garrick Theatre

"Blood might be thicker than water, but is it thicker than money?"

Genre & Themes

A contemporary drama about debt, the lure of large sums of cash and what effect they have on family values and relationships.

One Scene, 15 minutes. Script-in-hand Performance


Kath's windfall can pay off sister-in-law Gwen's painful mortgage and end niece Helen's long-standing debt. But the revelations that follow prove that family values and hard cash don't mix.

Schedule & Venue

Date: 10th February, 2018. 7:30PM
Venue: Stockport Garrick Theatre, Stockport (location)
Tickets: Free for members and guests.
Notes: Part of Stockport Garrick Literary, New Writing Evening.

I The Cast

Annie Martin
as Kath

Anne Kemp
as Gwen

Kathryn Way
as Helen


- Written by David Chriscole
- Directed by Michael White (Square Peg Theatre)
- Produced by Studio Salford (Write For The Stage) & Manchester ADP

"One man with a secret, another revelling in his relationship, a woman desiring change. A tug-of-war someone has to loose."

Genre & Themes

A contemporary drama about relationships, secrets and the differing perceptions that mental health issues can have on those around the sufferer.


William has a secret he doesn't want his flat-mate Justin to know. If the cat got out of the bag, life would become a little more awkward than it already is. Meanwhile, Justin tries to assert his authority and ownership over Amanda, displaying his worn out ego to William. In the middle is Amanda, a young woman caught between a simple and uneventful existence with Justin, and her desire to break free into pastures new. When secrets are revealed, the tug-of-war has only just begun, but who wins and who will loose? Can the secrets bind two people together, or rip them all apart?

Schedule & Venue

Date: Monday 25th. September, 2017. 7:30pm (Studio Salford Write For The Stage & Manchester ADP)
Venue: The Kings Arms Theatre, Salford. (location)
Tickets: Via Eventbrite here
Note: 20 minute extract, script-in-hand performance. One of three extracts being performed on the night.

Date: Tuesday 26th. September, 2017. 7:00pm (Part of Studio Salford Write For The Stage, Development Week 10)
Venue: The Kings Arms Studio, Salford. (location)
Tickets: Via Eventbrite here
Note: 1 hour, full play, rehearsed reading.

I The Cast

Marcus Scotney
as William

Alice Proctor
as Amanda

Matthew Gordon
as Justin

GET ME OUT OF HERE (WFTS Intro Course Showcase)

- Written by David Chriscole
- Directed by Mike Heath
- Produced by Studio Salford

"One man with a secret, another revelling in his relationship, a woman desiring change. A tug-of-war someone has to loose."

Genre & Themes

A contemporary drama about relationships, secrets and the differing perceptions that mental health issues can have on those around the sufferer.

One Scene, 10 Minutes. Script-in-hand Rehearsed Reading


William has a secret he doesn't want his flat-mate Justin to know. If the cat got out of the bag, life would become a little more awkward than it already is. Meanwhile, Justin tries to assert his authority and ownership over Amanda, displaying his worn out ego to William. In the middle is Amanda, a young woman caught between a simple and uneventful existence with Justin, and her desire to break free into pastures new. When secrets are revealed, the tug-of-war has only just begun, but who wins and who will loose? Can the secrets bind two people together, or rip them all apart?

Schedule & Venue

Date: Tuesday 21st. February, 2017. 7:30pm
Venue: The Kings Arms, Salford.

I The Cast

Darren Scott
as William

Amy Drake
as Amanda

Nathan Morris
as Justin

Narration by
Leni Murphy


- Written by David Chriscole
- Directed by Craig Sanders
- Produced by Manchester ADP

"Reflection disappointment and the abyss, self-discovery and reinvention through crisis."

Genre & Themes

A surrealistic drama that reveals relationships between powerful emotions, delivered through the eyes of a man in existential crisis.

Two Scenes, 20 minutes. Script-in-hand Performance.


We are centred around Leo and Nellie, a closely tied union of souls. Leo reflects upon his life after reaching 50 years of age and discovers nothing but disappointment. Looking ahead he sees and fears the abyss waiting for him at the end of life, plunging himself into a state of misery. Nellie attempts to steer Leo through his self-imposed torture, driving him through old memories, towards goals and aspirations he is as yet unable to see. In order to save herself from oblivion, Nellie desperately seeks to break Leo from his own bondage towards self-discovery and reinvention.

Schedule & Venue

Date: Monday 26th. September, 2016. 7:30pm
Venue: The Kings Arms, Salford.

I The Cast

Sarah Legg
as Nellie

Joe Osborne
as Leo